The Eternal Wait

A dark skinned tall man was walking adjacent to me. My both feet stuck in snow, sunrays blinding my view. I was in such a misery, constantly rethinking my choices that I almost ignored his massive build. In such heavy snow and steep hike, he was climbing it as if it was nothing. Prabhu Shree... Continue Reading →


I have always enjoyed looking at those old albums which my parents have taken care of since so long. With cheesy covers, huge spiral binds, weight that could help in someone's workout, photographs with these flower pattern border around them. But all of this doesn't matter. They would always have this huge smile while going... Continue Reading →

The imperfect perfectionist

You aren’t supposed to be perfect. We aren’t supposed to be perfect. You know why? Perfection is evil. It would have resulted in extinction of the humans. What happens when there is no fault in a design? It resists to change. If it works fine, why would it change? If there would have been no... Continue Reading →

Walk of the dead man

As Ved moved over burning coal, his eyes got red as if blood was running through them. His skin was getting peeled off slowly. The coal didn’t burn with flames but shimmered with a little red light. Those who were standing close could feel the heat. As he moved, sometimes ashes and Sparks flew through... Continue Reading →

The revolution elucidation

The electron revolves around the nucleus, Moon around Earth, Earth around the sun, Sun around the center of our galaxy. It doesn’t end here. Even the Milkyway galaxy is revolving around the center of the galaxy clusters. So are you stationary right now? Absolutely not. Nothing in this universe is stationary but is revolving around... Continue Reading →


“The sky is much clearer here”, the commander said. “Yes, yes it is sir”, I sighed. “Oh, please! will you let it go now?”, the anger was pretty clear in his eyes. Maybe a little bit of regret too, “look, we have ample space here. We can start from the beginning” he added. The sky... Continue Reading →


A train of thoughts is always running in the mind. Trust me there was no time when your brain was empty. By empty I mean thinking absolutely nothing. Want to go on a journey with me to the emptiness? Emptiness? Good question. Where is emptiness? What is it? What does it look like? Wait wait.... Continue Reading →

When did I bec*A*me a Nazi?

So it all started when I came to college. I found myself in a strange environment. Strange environment in the sense that people around me wanted to prove that he/she was more popular in college. Then I met those Nazis. Those who couldn't stand against an error in language. Those people used to judge all... Continue Reading →

Wind of fire

I am wind. You are fire. Is that even a combination? I thought. Wind is important for fire. I am important to you. Wind provides more oxygen to burn the fuel. There will be no fire without wind. But wait! Wind can't go too close. Fire will die. I can't touch you. I can't feel... Continue Reading →


A cold vibe passed right through me. That vibe was like a last goodbye kiss from my parents. I felt them going. I felt them leaving this world and achieving solitude in the endless sky. I didn't speak for years. I blamed no one. It was an accident, pretty unfortunate one. But I was not... Continue Reading →

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